Ola KalinowskaPhD StudentAdviser: Todd Murphey
Research Topics
I'm interested in designing algorithms for effective, safe, and intuitive robotics. My research thus far has focused on combining machine learning, Bayesian statistics, and control theory for human-oriented application domains, such as assistive and rehabilitation robotics. I've developed methods for safe shared control of human-machine systems, as well as explored learning-based solutions for improving a robot's understanding of human intent. In my work, I'm also interested in using robotics to discover underlying principles of human learning to then incorporate them into designing shared-autonomy interfaces and robot-aided rehabilitation.
MS Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, 2018
BS Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016
TA for NUvention: Medical Innovation (ENTREP 470), Fall 2017-Winter 2018, Fall 2018-Winter 2019, Fall 2019
TA for Machine Dynamics (ME 314), Fall 2018